The Forum

Bringing the Composites Materials - About - JEC Forum Southeast Asia

bringing the composite materials community in Southeast Asia

The JEC Forum Southeast Asia is organised on June 11 and 12, 2024, by JEC, in partnership with the Thai Composites Association (TCA), bringing together the composite materials community in Southeast Asia.

The event is held every other year and will rotate to different cities in the region to promote the regional composites ecosystem and foster closer ties with local businesses, research and development centers, as well as application industries.

The 2024 edition of this Forum will take place in Bangkok on June 11 and 12, with a company visit on June 13.

The event focuses on three pillars

Business meetings

The digital platform and application allow all participants to benefit from pre-planned face-to-face business meetings with partners from the entire composites value chain. Participants can also benefit from informal networking during coffee breaks, lunches, and the Evening Networking Event to be held on June 11.


The program includes workshops led by suppliers, enabling them to present their products and solutions to participants, as well as conferences organised by JEC and the Thai Composites Association (TCA) on key topics for the industry.

Composites tours

The program includes visits of specialised composites sites to be organised on the third day, June 13.

Discover the JEC Forum participants

Who can participate

Participants can register as Buyers, Delegates or Suppliers, depending on their profile and their company sector of activity. Learn more about all the advantages of every package of participation.

Forum Participation - About - JEC Forum Southeast Asia
Forum Participation - About - JEC Forum Southeast Asia

Participants can register as Buyers, Delegates or Suppliers, depending on their profile and their company sector of activity. Learn more about all the advantages of every package of participation.

Table top and sponsorship packages - About - JEC Forum Southeast Asia

Participants, suppliers in the industry, or service providers, can display their products and know-how by purchasing a table top space, that includes 1 low table and 2 armchairs, where they can held their business meetings. This package includes access to the entire content of the two days, food and beverages, the Evening Networking Event and the matchmaking service.

Suppliers can gain extra visibility by booking a workshop that offers them a 20-minutes speaking slot to present their products and innovations.

Supporting partners


Official partner

TCA logo

Main Sponsor

Qarbon Aerospace


Logo Cobra Sponsor
Logo DSS
Logo TAI
Logo FTI